Saturday, March 18, 2023

Let's Begin!

 As is the case with any in-depth study, the first step is to simply read. A scan of the chapter headings will give us a snapshot view of the book. Then a cursory reading will get us into the flow of the stories God is presenting for our learning.

 The following are brief notations made after each chapter.

1) David is old. Adonijah attempts to make himself king. Nathan and Bathsheba tell David. David has Solomon anointed as king.

2) Judgements against David/Solomon's enemies. (Adonijah, Joab, Shimei)

3) Alliance with Egypt. High places for sacrifices. Solomon asks God for wisdom. Demonstrates that power.

4) Solomon assembles his court. Solomon's wisdom well known. Peace, prosperity, for Israel, fame, fortune for Solomon

5) Alliance with Hiram. Hiram supplies wood. Conscription workers of Israel for stonework.

6) Construction of the temple. God's covenant. Seven years to build temple....very opulent.

7) Construction of Solomon's home. Very opulent furnishings. Hiram's extensive bronze work. 

8) Ark placed in the temple. God's presence made known. Solomon's prayer/dedication. Israel is blessed.

9) Reaffirmation of God's covenant. Cities given to Hiram. Alliances and forced labor.

10) A visit from the queen of Sheba. Solomon's wealth.

11) Solomon turns from God. Is judged by God. Adversaries rise up against Solomon. Solomon dies.

12) Rehoboam petitioned by Jeroboam/Israel. Rehoboam's folly. The nation divides. God forbids civil war. Idolatry runs rampant.

13)  God rebukes Jeroboam. A prophet's disobedience. Jeroboam is cursed, continues in idolatry.

14) Jeroboam's son Abijah dies. Israel cursed over idolatry. Rehoboam's idolatry. Constant wars.

15) Abijam rules Judah for three years, dies. Asa succeeds Abijam and is a good king, he dies. Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa. Nadab succeeds Jeroboam (2 years). Baasha kills Nadab and destroys Jeroboams household. War between Baasha and Asa.

16) Israel Kings: Baasha cursed by God. Baasha dies, his son Elah takes over. Elah's commanander Zimri conspires against Elah and kills him. Destroys the house of Baasha. Zimri reigns seven days. The people make Omri king and go against Zimri. Zimri commits suicide. Israel has two kings: Omri and Tibni. Omri prevails over Tibni. Omri is an evil king. Omri dies. Omri's son Ahab takes over. Ahab is double/triple evil with idolatry.

17) Elijah prophecies about famine. Fed by crows. Lives with widow. Endless flour. Raises widows son.

18) Obadiah and Elijah. Elijah challenges false prophets. God is proven, false prophets are destroyed. Rain provided.

19) Elijah flees Jezebel. Elijah passes his mantle to Elisha. 

20) Victory and failures by Ahab. God reveals Himself  to Ahab (by helping him).

21) Ahab covets Nabal's vineyard. Jezebel has Nabal murdered. God curses Nabal's household.

22) Ahab wars with Aram. Asks help from Jehoshaphat. Ahab's prophets say God says to go to war. Micaiah (prophet) says it will go badly. Ahab is killed in battle. Jehoshaphat and Asa are good Judean kings. 

2nd Kings Chapter Twenty-five

 2Ki 25:1  And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar king ...